This Wall is Crewe

"This Wall is Crewe" was the winner of the History Channel Short Film Competition in 2018. The challenge was to celebrate a historical landmark, with a focus on highlighting a lesser-known or underappreciated site and the stories it represents.

While an old factory may lack the grandeur of a stately home or the might of a castle, its walls hold the legacy of generations. Crewe Works, once a powerhouse of engineering and craftsmanship, employed over 20,000 skilled workers. These walls built not just locomotives, but livelihoods, communities, and a profound sense of pride. The film captures this enduring spirit and the vital role the factory played in shaping the town’s identity.

Premiering on the History Channel in September 2019, the film also garnered over 100,000 views online, resonating with audiences and sparking renewed appreciation for Crewe’s industrial heritage.

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